Sunday, July 25, 2010

Watering the Plants

While I was on a 30mi ride down to SC the other day I realized that I still needed to find a way to water the plants while I'll be gone.  I guess most people would just ask a friend or neighbor.  I could always still do that, but they could do it from the comfort of their own cellular phone.  And so could I...  It's really too easy, and I'm sure countless have done it before.  Here's the diagram:

Basically, I'll setup a webserver (Apache?) to ask whether you'd like to water and show you a picture of the patio.  The picture would be generated by my multimedia center (also know as an EnergyROM Touch Pro phone running tinyCAM) and then transmitted up to the webserver via wifi.

I could make it private, but it might be exciting if some random people water my plants for me.  I guess pressing a button with no cache will run a script that enacts the X10 device for 15 minutes or so.

So the web server will interact with a cheap old X10 device to turn a pump on and off.

I have a porch light outside, so I have power but no water supply.  I had been stuck on the whole gravity feed idea but kept getting stumped on how to use a cheap low pressure valve but get enough pressure to water everything.  I picked up a cheap pump for < $20 which should do the trick  I've never used those X10 devices before, but nows my chance.  I'll just hope that no one else in the place uses them since they seem to have zero security.

I should also post the times and durations watered.

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