Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Letter to Creative Loafing Servatius

Citizen Servatius's short-sighted scrutiny of cycling safety leaves much to be desired. I get it: now that Mayor Anthony Foxx is supporting cycling as a viable means of transportation, the alternative weekly feels the need to support the other side.

But wait – I thought that bicycling commuters produce less emissions, reduce congestion, and foster a greater sense of community? She ignored that, and seems to be a step away from suggesting we rip open Tryon Street to keep those darty peds out of the way, just like in our not-so-distant history.

But Servatius even feels bad for the drivers who run over cyclists because they might have to pay for the injuries. Luckily for her, if you follow you'll see that it's very difficult to hold vehicle drivers accountable, even though it's often an impatient, inconsiderate driver at fault. Drivers easily forget that their cars can be very dangerous weapons. By her logic, if Servatius accidentally shot someone she might blame them for getting in the way.

Watch out! Don't get pregnant! Don't want to catch that 'N1... Her logic escapes me.

By the way, you're 10 times more likely to die from a collision in your car than in a bus. (NHTSA, )  


  1. There's a pretty cool stat on kenkifers page that suggests you're six times more likely to die by general living than by riding a bike, based on hours of exposure! Ride on!

  2. There we go! My fellow denizens chimed in! Take that, Servatius ;). BTW, your email don't work...
