Thursday, January 21, 2010


For a couple of weeks it seems as though my phone (an HTC Raphael stripped-down mod by at&t called the Fuze) would choose to ignore some mail pushed by google, so I thought it might be a good time to re-up the ROM.

Lately I've been preferring the ROMs put together by NRGZ28. The latest stable for Windows Mobile 6.5 (based on the 21889 Build from the OEM COM2 tree) is EnergyROM.

There's still a lot of activity on the XDA Raphael forums, but I think it'll die down a bit as more and more people get Android phones, and the like.

But anyway, the EnergyROM is running quick and smooth.  It's amazing how much better it is than the software that came installed on the thing.  It's a testament to what kind of advances can be made when software is open.  Oh wait, I guess MS isn't open.  I guess it's a testament to what kind of advances can be made when a company looks the other way as others reverse-engineer, recalibrate, and then redistribute their software.

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