Saturday, June 26, 2010

Urban Assault Charlotte

Urban Assault was a blast.  I would probably do something like that everyday if I could.  I guess I do to some extent, but it makes an impact doing it as a group.  The Ski Team, (Chris & I) came in 104th out of 340 or so participants.  But we captured all the bleeds, and that's what counts!

To see that many bikes at one time in Charlotte makes me appreciate this city a bit more.  And if the solar powered sound system, and wind-made brew were irrelevant to my cohabitants, then at least no one complained.  And I'm sure a lot of people, like Ski Team, actually rode to the event ;)

The last obstacle was a BigWheel track which held me back as I had to retract to collect my phone which I had just rolled over...

View UA traversal in a larger map

All in all, it turned out to be about 26 miles.  And it felt like 95 degrees.

For some reason I'm not as excited as I should be about free food.

Fun times!

Some pictures I forgot to post...

    The calm before the cycling storm.

The first wave run for their rides.  We were resigned to the end of the line.  Either too slow (in registering) or too stupid (to pass the quiz).  And then we didn't even know where we were racing to!  Probably should have let us go first...

Sweet bike.  Functional.

Chris demonstrates how light the bike is.

These crazy people wanted me to take their picture.  Note - everyone is protecting themselves, post-race, from the scorching action of the midday summer sun by hydrating themselves with tasty beer.  Oh yeah, and there exists a picture of a dude wading in that green swan poop water.  [Seriously, they have to pressure wash all that excrement off of the sidewalk into the water.]

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