Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Laptop That Wouldn't Die

So Nicole and I won the bid for this Gateway SOLO PRO 9300 laptop maybe six years ago. After trying out all of the small Linux variants I could, I finally settled on Puppy.

I think it runs alright on this old thing. Sure, it's a beast, but it's the only computer we have that we can use while sitting on the couch, with our feet up, without squinting.

But it's not without it's troubles. At some point along the way I've had to repair the CD-ROM, the keyboard, the trackpad, the power supply. And I'm not taking buying new parts, I'm talking 'breaking out the soldering iron' repairs. Oh, and I also gave it a two-toned paint job. And we never did get a battery for it. I guess because a new battery costs more than what we paid for the machine.

So last week the thing started arching near my leg and I put it away. I'm sure Nicole was a little excited, in some way, expecting that we'll sometime soon get a new laptop for her. But, once again, I dug out the soldering iron - found a new power adapter plug - and got the thing working again.

I hear you can get brand new netbooks in the $200 price range nowadays...

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